Monday, June 18, 2012

My first pinterest project...

Last October I stumbled upon a website.. a virtual pin board.. I was overwhelmed. I spent hours up hours "pinning" to my pinboards. I could get lost and forget what time it was. There was a problem though... I wasn't bringing any of my ideas to life.

So.. enter this easy project.... I was at a local thrift store one day and stumbled upon these frames, on the 90% off table!!! I paid 50 cents for two frames!! I bought some twine at the local hard ware store and waaa-lah! I had this neat way to display pictures... but I still had one more frame.

I used the other frame as it was. I hung it on the wall I also hung a binder clip inside the frame. Now I can clip my children's artwork or school work.. and I can switch them out easily. My kids are always so proud to see their work hanging in this frame.

I actually bought 4 frames for a $1. So I still have two frames that I haven't used yet... although I do have a project in mind for them..

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